Gathering at 9:45-10:00 a.m. at Karitsu Ranch in Raplamaa, Karitsa village
10.00-10.05 welcome speech (Tanel-Taavi Bulitko, Animal Breeders Association of Estonia)
10.05-10.15 introduction to the course (Jaanus Vessart, Karitsu Ranch)
10.15-10.25 Brief overview of the use of the EvaLim genome test in Estonian limousine herds (Maria Liisa Luur, Animal Breeders Association of Estonia, Estonian coordinator of EvaLim testing)

10.25 – 11.30 EvaLim genome testing (Solange Faurisson, manager of the Ingenomix company)
– Ingenomix company introduction
– The genomic selection: how it works
– EvaLim – genomic test for Limousin breed
– Use of EvaLim tests in animal selection (mating, herd replacement, etc.)
11.30-11.50 coffee break
11.50-13.00 The presentation continues
– What is the reliability for the EvaLiM tests?
– Why does the scores change over time?
– Why should you test both male and females?
– On the horizon

13.00-13.30 Panel discussion on the topic “How does the usage of EvaLim tests promote the breeding of beef cattle suitable for the climate and farm conditions of Estonia and other Nordic countries.”
13.30-14.30 lunch
14.30-17.40 Practical exercise in the field: “How to select replacement heifers and make mating decisions?” (Expert from the French Limousin Herd Book – Heloise Vidament).
– Linear observation.
– Correlating phenotype and genotype using EvaLim tests.
– Discussion

From 17:30 Informal dinner: Chef Simon Derivi of Argentinian restaurant Siga La Vaca prepares and offers limousine meat and shares tips for grilling beef. Open „Burger workshop“.