At the end of March we long time waited the truck from Denmark, which on March 26 finally brought to us 20 nice young heifers and 2 bulls. Sender was mr Niels Peter Pedersen from Aagaard`s farm. He will reduce the amount of suckler cow herd, so we got an idea to bring some nice heifers to our limousin herds. Friends from Topi farm and Lahe Maamees farm joined with us with will to get some new bloodlines too.
Journey was long and the animals were not too happy with this. But when we got together to choose the animals, everything went smoothly. We got five nice girls: Panilla, Pia, Pinar, Randi ja Pika. Also one year old bull Rainer, who will join our breeding bull group next year.

Early years these kind of deals were born after visiting the farms who had something to sell. But today, with situation we have with COVID 19, it is impossible. So, we trusted Niels Peter, who sold animals to Estonia also some years ago. We also have our one main breeding bull HOGER from his herd.